Friday, June 20, 2008

Shogun Assassin

I haven't watched a new film release for some time (my last visit to a movie theater was for the fourth Harry Potter film, if I remember correctly).

I have my favorites, though. One odd film, notable for its geysers of spurting blood well before video games and death metal made it commonplace, was Shogun Assassin.

Shogun Assassin was brilliantly cheesy once it had been dubbed into English. This trailer give a pretty good indication of the overall effect.

Those "Masters of Death" guys I figure are pretty much the same dudes that Jack Burton tangled with in "Big Trouble in Little China." Check them out in the trailer for comparison.

But back to "Shogun Assassin"--it's got one of those fabulous dubbed lines that can really stick in your memory. The assassin's son narrates their journey: "At night we listen for the ninja--who never make a sound."

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